Dear Powells,
How are you? I think I forgot to send out a postcard last week; I lost track of the days. Things have been somewhat chaotic but I can feel in my bones that the storm is abating. I continue to be an artist in limbo as my studio space is still being sanded, hammered, and pulverised into shape. It was due to be finished last Friday but it will now be finished this Friday, maybe… possibly… nobody really knows. What I do know, is that I have surprised myself by being remarkably casual about things.
I barely noticed when the ceiling fell in due to some overly zealous hammering and missed my computer by an inch; I just shrugged when my innocent paint roller-ing started a chain of catastrophic events that culminated in the entire wall needing to be re-plastered and I didn’t bat an eyelid when we had 30cm of snow overnight and it was so cold the locks on my car froze rendering us stranded.
Through it all, I have been as laid back as a wilted spring onion. It appears to be the new me. The chaos has slipped off my back like an Italian silk sheet and instead, I cracked on with illustrating things. Granted, getting to my drawing bureau is an assault course, as half of our belongings are currently residing in the lounge but the new me handles it without a fuss: I just step over the rowing machine, the bed frame and the 42 boxes of unpacked books and 6 minutes later I am seated, dip pen in hand.
From the bureau I can see the robins eating from the bird feeder in our garden and one morning I was inspired to draw them. One thing lead to another and, before I knew it, I had drawn three festive scenes, and arranged for them to be printed as Christmas cards with fancy gold foiling. They will be available to buy later this week and the new me will let you know when.
Yours, casually,
Powell x
Oh I very much look forward to them!
Can’t wait